What is a weight loss journey without someone to share the joys and the tribulations with?
The Weight Loss Buddy
I’ve been looking for a weight-loss buddy in many directions and all over the world. I searched in sites such as sparkpeople.com and on Discord health servers. On several dating websites, I have added to my description a job posting, which reads:
“I need a Weight Loss Buddy instantly. It’s a responsible position, which requires the following skills: compassion, enthusiasm, time and desire to monitor the process, and of course ambition to burn calories together.
Why? Things are always better with a Fellow Fighter. I need someone to shift my focus again and again to the same activities, which will finally lead to weight loss and I am ready to do the same in response. I think when two people think alike they are more productive. To care about a person gives you joy. My Weight Loss Buddy will get a lot of the greatest generosity – attention.”
All I ever got was disappointment. Until only yesterday, it turned out that a friend of mine is willing to support me in the journey of getting slimmer and healthier. He is not just any man. He is one of the heroes of this world, who has completely conquered himself, and that he says is the greatest gusto in life. My weight loss buddy is experienced in weight loss – he has achieved vibrant physical shape about 3 times. He knows the tricks.
So now that I found him, I can say:
My adventure has started.
The first advice I got from him is that you don’t have to be on a diet. Everything depends on 3 things:
- The Quality of the Food.
- The Quantity of the Food.
- Physical Activity.
So, my first task is to explore my body and find exactly what regime works best for me. Maybe I need to plan my meals, maybe not, but the important thing is that people are different and no one can tell me what is best for my body, except for myself.

Most of the people set aside time for working out. They watch videos and follow instructions from online trainers. Some of them don’t go out in the cold weather, but they still exercise at home. Others engage in all kinds of physical activities before writing: baseball, jogging, plenty of water… Some people walk their dogs. There is a writer who has got a desk attached to her treadmill, so she can read while she is walking – although I am not certain how exactly she balances those two activities. She also writes on a countertop, and sometimes she uses a yoga ball. Some writers do push-ups every thirty minutes. Some love walking out, even in the crispy cold weather. One of the writers described himself as a “lazy man,“ but a “busy writer.” A stay-at-home mom gets to work out with her kids.
For some people it’s a joke:
“Writing is a healthy activity “ they say. “I walk to the kitchen and back. To check if there is anything new in the fridge in the past twenty minutes.” But it is a dire situation with me – because I hardly ever stand up from the chair in winter months.
One of the best pieces of advice I got was:
“I choose the training I want to do. I do them however I feel. Even if I hate it – I get up and do it. In the end of the day, I am happy I have done it.”
Action Plan
I will start each day with an hour and a half of physical activity, come rain or come shine.
“If all you can do is crawl – then crawl!” I simply love this program:
It’s thirty minutes of brisk walking. Wonderful workout for beginners. Anyone can do this, and it makes you feel good about yourself. I play my favorite music while walking at home between 15 and 30 minutes per session. I have done this at least 7 times in January.
I will read the Sunfood Diet by David Wolfe and I will plan what can I eat for a few weeks if I decide to try it and see how it works on my body.
I will log my daily calorie intake and also the daily exercises and monitor my eating habits.
I will drink plenty of water.
I will start a new health Journal on my blog, which I will call:
The Vibrant Health Project.
Here, I will log everything related to my weight loss journey.
My goal is to lose 15 kilograms in the course of this year.
It’s been Day One!