Post Lockdown Musings

I feel so charged and awesome. It’s been the first day since the lockdown when I hung out with one of my friends I hadn’t seen for a long time. Bad things have happened to him recently – he was robbed of his puppy by his fiancée. So he asked me to evaluate his energetic state, and I held his hand for a while and told him he is doing lovely and emitted loveliness.

We took pictures around the neighborhood with my sister and him. I haven’t had a decent photo session since – I believe – 2018. Naturally, I have gained some weight, but the charm has returned in the lines, so in most of the photos I look happy and smiling.  My sister and I got quite the compliment from Mark:

Today I finally dyed my hair. I wanted to color it in a bright red color, but my family restrained my enthusiasm. So I chose a really dark blonde color that suits my hazel-green eyes and it has got this natural look to it.

“I am going to dye my hair!” I declare to a friend.
“In green?” – he wants to know.
“No. Dark blond…”
“Why not purple?”

When my mom heard that I had started the “Diary Project” on my blog, she said – but your life is so boring. I don’t feel that way. Amazing things keep happening discretely. I cannot share with you everything that is going on – such as family dramas and periods, but there is always…something else!

I am learning French for pleasure. I read a very sweet story in French. It was about a woman who sits in a restaurant and orders water and a salad. The waiter puts down – a salad with potatoes (pommes de terre.) However, the lady doesn’t like the salad with les pommes de terre. The waitress offers a soup. Oh, yes, she replies, she adores soups. She asks for tomato soup, but there is only soup with pommes de terre. They also offer various sandwiches with pommes de terre. The lady in despair asks if there is anything without les pommes de terre. When she receives a “No!” she asks indignantly – “What kind of a restaurant is this?” “But Madame” the waitress informs her “The name of the restaurant is “La pomme de terre.”

Today I was walking with my bestie like every evening and I complained about a friend who keeps reminding me: “The world does not revolve around you…” on a regular basis. “But, dear, don’t you know this?” – she exclaimed. “Imagine if the world revolved around you! That would have been terrible! How can you even imagine it!” She always manages to alleviate me through frank laughter…


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