Coffee and Tea – Chapter Ten – Lingerie

“It will be a pity, in fact, a disaster Isabel, if you leave Paris before you have tried shopping for lingerie. I will actually be very happy to assist. Let’s stroll around the shops until I tell you what I know about lingerie.”

“It’s very hard to find something fancy for my curvy figure…” – Isabel complained.

“This is Paris, Isabel, a city where women and femininity are celebrated irrespectively of their size and figure. You will find yourself among a multitude of garments. As it might occur to you – the basic role of lingerie is that of hygiene – it protects both the clothes and the body from damage.”

”Which is why” – sighed Isabel – “material is very important when it comes to lingerie – linen, silk, satin, lace – it touches your most sensitive places.”

“But lingerie is also a luxurious and elegant part of clothing – for it kindles our perceptions of beauty, fashion, seduction or provocation. Its fabrics are often ornamented and decorated provocatively – lace, embroidery, and ribbons. It is of course and always has been in the bold fantasies of men. “

“Tell me about the history of underwear, while I am picking some items for you to select from.”

“Should I be tortured by seeing you wearing lingerie? That’s a bit cruel!”

“A crash course: Lingerie in Ancient Rome?”

“The Roman women did not wear any stockings, but they decorated themselves with a pretty garter, rich as a jewel and worn purely for the purpose of seduction.”

“Lingerie in the Middle Ages?”

“There is a joke of a legend that the knights from the Middle Ages kept their wives in iron and silver virgin belts to protect their purity during their long absences from home.”

“That’s cruel!”

“Isn’t it, Isabel? However, I would probably do it to you, had you been my wife in the Middle Ages.”

“I hate the Middle Ages.”

“Who doesn’t?” – Ashton smiled. – “I am messing with you. Now show me what you really like to wear.”

Лице, Бански, Бикини, Модел, Поза

“That’s indeed cheesy, isn’t Isabel?  Yellow polka dot bikini, as the popular song goes…

“Yes, but don’t you just love the tenderness and vulnerability it exudes? Pink as the inside of an oyster shell, and so light and delicious.”

“Try the next one…”

Гран Канария, Канарски Острови

“You are looking for trouble, Isabel!”

Жена, Будоар, Дантела, Боди, Горна Част

He pressed her from behind catching her around her waist, body teasing body. And he quoted Emile Zola in her ear in perfect French and slightly staggering from excitement:

“With renewed vigor, he grabbed Virginie by the waist, bent her over and pushed her face into the cobbles with her rear in the air; and despite their continual movement, managed to lift up her skirts substantially. Underneath she wore bloomers. He reached in through the gap, tore them apart and displayed everything – naked thighs and naked buttocks.” Would you like me to do this to you, Isabel? Satisfaction guaranteed.”

“Talk to me!” she moaned close to ecstasy.

“Yes. Tell me what to do to you…”


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  1. “Touch me….” – said she as if in a reverie.

    Moving forward in a mounting posture, he reached out over her shoulder, brushing her cheeks with his strong hands… almost embracing her, her curly hair falling loose ; he picked up a velvet pink lingerie and said smilingly “How ’bout this Isabel ?”

  2. Author

    Don’t move Ashton and Isabel, I have feelings for them:)

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