A Routine Which Works For Me

If you want to achieve something meaningful in your life you have to invest a lot of time and efforts. A great novel, a stunning design, a revolutionary company – it all takes time, thought, craft and persistence.

Put a stress on creative work. A writer is supposed to start his day with several hours of writing. Notice when you seem to have most energy during the day and dedicate those times to your most important creative work. A small daily task, if it is really daily will beat the labors of a spasmodic Hercules. Frequency keeps ideas fresh, sparks creativity, and fosters productivity.

Excellence according to Aristotle is not an act, but a habit. You have to manage your energy.

What habits do you need to implement in your self-routine?

Think of all the things you are responsible for: your job, your body, your home, your creative outlets, communication – all of these are significant aspects of your daily round.

Every Day

My focus of the day is on Creativity.

Body: I want to be up before sunrise so that I might delight in it on my terrace with a hot cup of tea. Then I have to go out and walk for at least half an hour – the alternative is a 10-minute session on the cross-trainer. Follows a light and warm breakfast.

Home: Then I must have an hour set aside for cleaning. I need to make beds, do the laundry, wash the dishes, take out the trash, wipe counters, put clutter away, vacuum and all that boring stuff. It’s not a deep-cleaning check-list, but it covers the most basic chores. After everything is done I may enjoy a warm cup of coffee and the workday begins.

Job: After 10 AM I start doing the most challenging tasks, lunch – the biggest meal of the day, followed by some movement after lunch and time for a short nap. With my current program – I need to write 500 words daily to win some money. At 1:30 PM I go to the grocery – for fresh fruit and vegetables, cheese and milk, corn and pumpkin – whatever the heart desires. At 2:00 PM light and healthy cooking should take place.

Creativity: After 2 PM I start doing my creative work, writing on the blog and also reading and learning how to improve myself. At least one painting should be created – it means spending an hour drawing and painting. I need to spend at least 4 hours in the fields of creativity and achievements.

Hobby: After 6:00 PM I doll up and go to salsa classes.

When I get back, I have an early and light dinner and after an hour of organizing the next day, I may head straight to bed. Lemon and water, or bananas and cinnamon should be consumed before bed.

Every Week

I have to find time to plan the meals for the week: This means to check the daily emails from SparkPeople and populate my Nutrition and Sports board in Trello. I have to spare some minutes to calculate my calories for the day on SparkPeople.

I need to squeeze in my beauty routine as well. A coconut facial mask, sea-salt scrub, nail-polishing, light yoga workouts, waxing eyebrows…

Based on my comprehensive list of interests, I have to create an editorial for the blog each week.

In 2017

I want to learn and I have downloaded video courses on Marketing, Illustrator, The Great Ideas Of  Psychology, How To Boost Your Physical And Mental Energy, How To Draw, How To Achieve Optimum Well-Being At Any Age, Mind Body Medicine, The Art Of Storytelling and Writing Great Fiction.

I have to watch all the courses this year. There are about 500 of 20 minutes videos to watch, which means I have to watch 3 videos daily. I have to read an encyclopedia article every day. This happens in the creative and workspace of my routine.

I want to employ my digital resources optimally. They need to be categorized and arranged.

Here is a list of my achievements for 2017:

I want to finish my books: Magickal Betrothal, Enamored Venus, The Enchanted Forest, Odin and Freya, Freya and the Capricious Dancer, The Runaway Bride, Enamored Gods, The Dream Trader, Christmas for Children. I need to work for an hour and a half days on any of the books.

I want to write a short story on my blog each week.

I want to buy cool presents for my family’s holidays and plan a vacation and a road-trip.

My home needs repairs. This means I have to spend time getting inspired and researching Interior Design and Feng Shui.

But how am I to keep track of everything? Pretty simple: I use a Windows application which is called ToDoIst. It’s a wonderful way to restrict yourself and do the stuff, which makes you very productive.


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