You have to watch Bridget Jones, if you haven’t already.
After you have watched it…watch Sex and the City.
Having watched that, watch Desperate Housewives.
Now you have got a clue why being single may be refreshing, and being in a relationship may be wearisome and frustrating.
Bridget Jones
Bridget Jones is the single woman’s bible. It teaches ladies to love their small clothes, to accept their plumpy construction, their cellulite, their problems with addictions and their love triangles. She gets in all kinds of ridiculous situations like landing outside in the snow in the midst of winter basically wearing her panties. The greatest romantic line of all times: “I like you very much just as you are!” is also credited to Bridget Jones’s lover.
Imagine somebody who likes you with all your eccentricities, funny smells, emotional luggage, and he loves you like a Christmas star for all the things that make you just as you are. That’s what women after thirty are capable of. They will not be obsessed with your looks, because they know better: it’s not the appearance, it’s not the smartness, it’s not the money, or the car – the true dancer is known by the touch.
When you are in your twenties, you are just not cool and laid back as a woman. In their thirties women gain this incredibly sexy maturity of emotions, they ripe in a wonderful way. They have got this pleasant aura of warmth around them and a sense of stability and through awareness they become much, much sexier. Their self-attitude is toned by experience, they are much better lovers.
Sex and the City
Sex and the City tells the story of four single women, who talk incessantly about sex. Their characters cover most of the aspects of female behaviour, they are brave, openly sensual and frank, and hedonistic. They make us laugh, they buy themselves shoes and treat themselves cocktails, and reduce us to tears.
‘Fuck me badly once, shame on you. Fuck me badly twice, shame on me.’ – could be the punch line of the show.
Women in their thirties are fabulous and free. They are bread-winners, they stop racing with each other, they stop digging for complinents. When a masher approaches them, they know how to handle him, they also know how to turn down a sexual offer, without insulting the man. They have grown, but they do not become critical, they become appreciative. You have to make out with a woman in her thirties, in case you haven’t already. Sesame opens.
Form is temporary. Class is eternal.