The next day Jean Claude met Julienne Saint-Yves at the city library. She was cheerful and had delicate arms, a vital, active body, piercing hazel eyes, and was a woman of perfect vision, of excellent understanding, looking for a beautiful affair. They whispered to each other their names and the names of some books, and she allowed him to invite her for a drink. Compared to Jean, Julienne was the master of the art of conversation – so most of the time he was just looking at her and smiling in a goofy way, and she felt much appreciated. He talked a little, but his inner dialogue, which he showed through non-verbal communication was rich. He did not lose his temper, although she was blabbing the entire time like an exotic form of bird. However, their first date was full of captivating conversation and electricity. They were attracted by each other sexually immediately.
He felt a warm, passionate emotion, and a problem to express it. It was immediately a relationship between someone emotional, who couldn’t communicate how he feels, and a rational sign who talked about everything else. Jean valued clarity and conciseness, while Julienne needed to talk about everything. However, they motivated and challenged each other and sex…well sex was…who knew where they could end up with his libido and her ideas. Aries was a warrior and a gladiator, Gemini’s approach to sex was playful, an everlasting game…some air does good to the fire of Aries, who kindled was ready to burst from passion. Sex was always on Julienne’s mind, like beer she was always wet. She was curious and mischievous, he was driven by chemistry, action and chasing rainbows. She was an artful and persuasive lover. So she persuaded him to stay with her for quite some time before she left him…for a man with the Sun Sign of….
To Be Continued